
My love for Scotland and all that it represents brewed underneath my skin all my life. It’s true. I felt a conscious awareness began to break surface when I first saw the movie Braveheart. It haunted me. The music, the passion for freedom, William’s gripping sadness for his lost love, the longing, the battles-it was so grand. I know, the depiction of William Wallace was done Hollywood- style  but still, Braveheart-it could be on any day, on any channel and I would be hard-pressed to change the channel without some convincing. I am mentally collecting a list of events or interests that eventually led me on my path to receiving my title as Lady Karen from www.highlandtitles.com. To be continued…


Scenes of Glencoe

Peace and Awe

American Sassenach?

The highlander quote came from one of the best books I have ever read. The Outlander, by Diana Gabaldon entranced me the minute I began reading it. There are six books in the series and lengthy ones at that. The Outlander begins the epic tale of Jamie (Scottish) and Claire (a Sassenach-Englishwoman) who are from different times. Claire falls into the past through stone and meets the love of her life Jamie Frasier. I often feel like Claire, a woman born in the wrong time. I feel akin to being an American sassenach.

The book is a masterpiece of historical fiction with plenty of love, longing, battle, sacrifice and adventure. When I received my title as Lady Karen from www.HighlandTitles.com, I received a small picture booklet as a souvenir. Inside were beautiful pictures of the landscape of Lochober. One photo was at Loch Nan Uamh, where “Bonnie Prince Charles returned to the Scottish mainland in 1745 to lead what proved to be the last Jacobite uprising” (7 Lochaber).  In the first or second Outlander book, there is mention of this uprising and the location. As I perused the booklet, I felt I strong connection to uprising and its history, espeically now that I was an official Lady of Glencoe. 


“A Highlander in full regalia is an impressive sight–any Highlander, no matter how old, ill-favored, or crabbed in appearance. A tall, straight-bodied, and by no means ill-favored young Highlander at close range is breath-taking.”

Outlander-Diana Gabaldon

Edinburgh Castle

Edinburgh Castle

Lady Karen with a happy heart

Lady Karen’s poem

“Soul Full”

Temperamental winds from firth of forth whip beneath stone gray skies,

A sliver of periwinkle teases, beneath stone gray skies.

Edinburgh’s stone city holds secrets of kings and castle,

Ancient stone keep on lush hill, fortifies beneath stone gray skies.

The nose of smoked-dirt peat drifts along meandering roads,

Heather, thistle, rolling green-constant beneath stone gray skies.

A crumbling wall reaches across the mysteries of time,

Ghosts of Hadrian’s garrison watchful beneath stone gray skies.

Freedom’s sword, Wallace’s legend whispers on the sterling stones,

Tartan-clad clans, whisky breath lingers beneath stone gray skies.

Windswept moors, barren mountains bound a serene, murky loch,

Nessie lurks in her freshwater home beneath stone gray skies.

The piper offers his highland tune-his chanter pierces the soul.

Stone sings to me, Karen.  My soul left behind, beneath stone gray skies.

-Lady Karen

The outlander I refer to? Well, it’s me.  I have always felt misplaced-a feeling in my bones that couldn’t  shake no matter where I went or where I lived.  A feeling of restlessness, a feeling that I belonged somewhere else possibly to some other time. I know, it really sounds crazy. I still feel this way. I am half Norwegian and as far as I know, I am not Scottish. But, I am convinced that somewhere in the past some of my Norwegian viking relatives had to make land in Scotland-thousands of other vikings landed on the shores of Scotland why not my viking ancestors?  I am determined to find a connection. Part of this blog experience may just be that-finding connections to my outlandish self! 

I have found a bit of comfort for my restless soul this year. For my birthday this past March, my husband purchased a plot of land in Glencoe, in the district of Lachaber from www.HighlandTitles.com. It came with official papers, a wonderful pictorial souvenir of Lochaber, and a beautiful pin. I am officially, “Lady Karen Christine Dahl.” I plan on having my ashes buried in my special corner of the world. But that is yet an uncompleted story and I would like to keep it that way for a long while.

First image of Scotland

Sitting backwards on a train

Hello world!

Today I found the most exciting, creative way to express my love for Scotland! Thanks to www.HighlandTitles.com and their blog contest, “MY LIFE AS A LAIRD!”, I am able to begin a new quest. Where will this blog take me-I hope ultimately to Scotland. Until then, let’s see how this blog transforms. My heart is already beating faster as my restless fingers tap at the keys. I can almost feel the biting Edinburgh wind nipping at my heals.

More to come very soon!

Lady Karen