
Posts Tagged ‘land’

The Norwegian musical instrument played in this video is a bukkehorn, an ancient instrument made from the horn of a ram or goat.  www.youtube.com/watch?v=dI0MCvpD8uI. The sound although deeper, has the same lamenting quality of the Irish bagpipe,the uilleann. It is amazing how one single instrument such as a bukkehorn, an Irish uilleann or a Scottish set of bagpipes can affect a soul so deeply as it does my own. The video in this post along with the breathtaking scenery boasts pride and demands attention while at the same time evokes a sense of wisdom, a communication between the music and the earth.

In the next video the Irish uilleann pipes play a soulful tune, similar to the lamenting sound of the bukkehorn and akin to something you would hear in Braveheart-the movie actually incorporated a lot of Irish bagpipe music. www.youtube.com/watch?v=ASYFnoB3tDM

The Scottish bagpipes demand attention in a different sense. Lamentation, yes at times but more often spirited music of celebration that makes you want to skip and dance merrily. Listen to this video and I hope it adds an extra bit of pep to your beat today.www.youtube.com/watch?v=F97M-UOiP8g&feature=related

Combine a flute and fiddles and my heart truly sings. What is it that makes my heart feel like it is actually being pierced by the music? I know I am not the only one. On the other hand, some people truly dislike bagpipes and the like. My sister absolutely can’t stand it. So why do I feel have some special connection to the ancient history of my past? My restless soul belongs somewhere. When I hear the celtic/Norwegian music my restlessness is a bay…I feel a ken to it. I feel I am one with the music.

During my first trip to Scotland, I couldn’t stop crying. It was ridiculous. I will save it for another post…

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Scenes of Glencoe

Peace and Awe

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