
Posts Tagged ‘poem’

“Soul Full”

Temperamental winds from firth of forth whip beneath stone gray skies,

A sliver of periwinkle teases, beneath stone gray skies.

Edinburgh’s stone city holds secrets of kings and castle,

Ancient stone keep on lush hill, fortifies beneath stone gray skies.

The nose of smoked-dirt peat drifts along meandering roads,

Heather, thistle, rolling green-constant beneath stone gray skies.

A crumbling wall reaches across the mysteries of time,

Ghosts of Hadrian’s garrison watchful beneath stone gray skies.

Freedom’s sword, Wallace’s legend whispers on the sterling stones,

Tartan-clad clans, whisky breath lingers beneath stone gray skies.

Windswept moors, barren mountains bound a serene, murky loch,

Nessie lurks in her freshwater home beneath stone gray skies.

The piper offers his highland tune-his chanter pierces the soul.

Stone sings to me, Karen.  My soul left behind, beneath stone gray skies.

-Lady Karen

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